What to expect? PROMPT therapy uses tactile-kinesthetic-proprioceptive input (in addition to visual and auditory cues) to support, the development and improve speech production and increase daily functional communication.

Each student’s needs are unique. The student’s current level of communication is assessed using The PROMPT Conceptual Framework and functional goals and objects are developed based upon the student current level of functioning and speech motor skills. This language-based model and takes all domains into consideration the Cognitive Linguistic, Social Emotional and Physical Sensory which are instrumental in supporting the Communication Domain.
A typical PROMPT assessment is conducted where the clinician evaluates globally at the individual’s Physical-Sensory, Cognitive-Linguistic, and Social-Emotional domains. The PROMPT© trained clinician then evaluates their individual strengths and weakness in regard to speech motor control. Using the System Analysis Observation (SAO) in conjunction with the Motor Speech Hierarchy (MSH), the priorities for treatment are determined and discussed.
Appropriate phonemes (sounds) and sound combinations in words and functional phrases are selected based upon the student’s evaluation results. After, we’ll discuss the level of tactile-kinesthetic-proprioceptive support that is required by the child during treatment.

A PROMPT Certified clinician fosters social language interaction through turn-taking activities and/or choice making throughout each therapy session with regard to their cognitive-linguistic level during functional language activities.
Sessions are typically 45 minutes. Sessions include structured interactive play activities incorporating motor speech. PROMPT services follow motor learning principles combining both mass practice (a high number of repetitions/repetitive productions) with distributive practice during these functional language activities.

If your child is not making progress in their traditional speech therapy sessions which typically only employ the use of visual and/or auditory cues, then PROMPT treatment should be considered.